Initially an Environmental Science major, Bettina now takes her experimentation over to her studio where she plays with her materials and techniques, creating pieces that straddle painting, woodworking and metal sculpture. She is largely self-taught, and over the years her works have evolved and grown from traditional 2D paintings into art pieces that infuse painting with sculptural 3D elements.
Since 2018 she has taken her experimentation further as a sustainable artist. “Driven by the desire to help with environmental efforts and advocate sustainable living, I recycle and create my own surfaces and I find it both challenging and fun, for not only do I have to look for alternative materials, I also have to dream up new ways of combining and using them to make interesting bases for my artworks. It is also extremely liberating for now I do not think in terms of 2D or 3D art, painting or sculpture, I just create.”
She is an intuitive artist and often wears her heart and mind on her artistic sleeve. Years of struggle with her bipolar condition enhanced this, and she has learned to harness and draw from her experiences to create very personal sensitive, touching pieces.
In 2013 she was one of three finalists in the GLOBE Imaginart nationwide art competition, a competition sponsored by a major telecom provider in the Philippines. And in 2020 she was selected to participate in the UN75 Global Conversation 2020 2nd Round exhibit.