Russia is not only Moscow. This is a network of small provincial cities with their own way of life, local traditions, and architecture. And sometimes it is there that incredibly unique things that appeared several centuries ago are preserved. But the construction and architecture of the past are not only in no way inferior to the current one, but in many ways even have their superiority.
The drama theater in the ancient merchant Russian town was founded in 1897. The building was built as a theater, with the appropriate attribution and backstage, at the expense of local city merchants. The theater turned out to be large, four-tiered, with 600 seats.
At first, many residents perceived the appearance of such a theater as a challenge to society and a violation of the usual way of life. But, later, it became a favorite place for citizens-for recreation and various events.
For the first production, a play by the French playwright V. Sardou “We must divorce” was chosen.
In 1914, a branch of the All-Russian Theater Society was established. From that moment, the theatrical life of the city began to gain momentum and did not stop anymore. The theater building has remained almost unchanged to this day. The same facades, the same columns and stairs with marble steps. Getting inside, you involuntarily feel a slight shiver, you feel the greatness of the past, which is somehow magically intertwined with the design of the present. The aura of lightness and wisdom is preserved by these centuries-old walls and underground halls…
It is not only the performances that are of interest here. We invite the reader to walk through the theatrical backstage! It is no less fascinating – make-up rooms, costume rooms, a mirrored rehearsal hall, workshops of artists, designers and even a real carpentry shop.
In the theater building on the second tier, the interior royal box has been preserved, even the” spirit ” of which has remained the same as in former times.
And it is especially interesting to climb the ancient spiral staircase, accompanied by a concierge, to the chamber stage, which not every modern theater in the capital has.