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Neural Network, oil on canvas, 2011

Nina Valetova

Nina Valetova is artist based in New York. Her work explores the relationship between ancient cultures, mythologies, fantasy, metaphysics, and philosophy. The exploration of synthesizing different styles is a recurring feature in her work. Nina’s work is a combination of surrealism, geometric style, suprematism, surrealism with abstract and figurative forms.

Website: https://www.artvaletova.com
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ninatokhtamanvaletova_art
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKd6eZyLAmYdxeQa-phLJ2g

New Ways, Drawing, pencils, ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches, 2020
New Ways, Drawing, pencils, ink on paper, 17 x 14 inches, 2020