Samanta Masucco (Buenos Aires, 1980) is an Argentinian artist who builds her artworks from contemplation, dialogue and interaction with nature and socio-cultural reality. In her works she explores the intimate encounter of elements, cycles and poetics. She uses paintbrushes, colors and textures as creationist instruments of the visual gesture so then they grow in an abstraction hugging other expressionist techniques. In her works we find force and determination, movement and silence. The use of black and white intertwining as a contrast of living matter and emptiness in an organic and free-meeting. The colors as light, as a life impulse. Expectant figures of transformation.
She began her studies of drawing and painting from a very young age. Graduated from the National University of Arts (UNA – Argentina) and currently studying the postgraduate degree in Combined Artistic Languages in the same institution. She works as painter, visual artist and Fine Arts Professor, with twenty years of experience. He directs and carries out projects with interdisciplinary groups of artists. She regularly exhibits her artworks in individual and collective exhibitions in different public and private spaces.